Experiential Learning with Agile Mindset

A unique combination of project and skill-based learning

Build a great portfolio and face-lift your career

mern stack developer course with placement, WSA web development faqs

Why Experiential Learning?

experimental learning

High Learner Motivation

WSA courses take a project-first approach, where you begin with an end in your mind. This motivates learners by making them see your learning applied in the real world use-case immediately.

experimental learning

Working Backward

Great organizations start with the unmet and unarticulated needs of customers and build amazing products. WSA courses take a similar approach by starting with the problem statements and seeing technology as a means to solve it.

experimental learning

Outcome Driven

Every activity in the WSA course is designed by keeping the learner and making them produce the output. This approach ensures that you achieve your dreams by tightly integrating into the learning process.

What Makes WSA Different?

Learning online is a challenging act where the learner’s motivation plays a crucial role. Some of the popular online learning portals have only a 2 percent course completion rate, let alone getting outcomes. We at WSA is on a mission to solve this challenge by making online learning a positive and engaging experience through experimental learning.


In a world where every technical content is available for free, we believe the real crux lies in making the learning process smooth and effective. Our course contents are fed into learners in a drip-based manner so that you as a learner consume at a regular pace and produce output. All this happens in a highly mentor-supported and positive learning environment, incorporating experimental learning, which makes WSA unique when it comes to learning online.

Project First, Skill Follows

Our Full Stack Developer course is sliced and diced into three terms or semesters. In each term, you learn some aspects of web development and keep increasing your learning of spiderwebs. Our project design, technical topics, and mentor support aspects, combined with experimental learning, are super fine-tuned to make the learning process a breeze.

experimental learning


Start with basics with more focus on learning front-end technologies. Learn to build an elegant and dynamic front-end. The backend remains as a black box during this phase, where you will mainly learn to integrate your front end.

experimental learning

Building Depth

Begin your journey towards learning the backend. Build a scalable and lightweight backend using the full power of MERN. Learn how to handle your data by getting to know about databases. Solve real-time problems using DSA.

experimental learning

Mastery and Beyond

Put all the pieces together and become a pro in developing an E2E web application of your own. Start focusing on your placement preparation activities by building a professional quality portfolio and get ready to ace your first job.

Foundations of Development (Term-1) - Projects

  • Project :1
  • Project :2
  • Project :3
  • Project :4
  • Project :5
  • Project :6
Project :1
Project :2
Project :3
Project :4
Project :5
Project :6

Building Depth (Term-2) - Projects

  • Project :7
  • Project :8
  • Project :9
Project :7
Project :8
Project :9

Mastery and Beyond (Term-3) - Projects

  • Project :10
  • Project :11
  • Project :12
Project :10
Project :11
Project :12